Nov 29, 2011 | Accident, eye, Soparkar
Sherry visited Dr. Soparkar this morning, and he’s decided that she needs another round of surgery. He says it’s a minor correction that will be done in the office under local anesthesia. She’s set to have this done a week from today. Sherry and I...
Nov 11, 2011 | Accident, therapy
This morning Sherry visited her therapist at 7:00 a.m. Dianne exclaimed when Sherry walked in that she looked like a totally different person than the one who visited two days ago.The swelling in Sherry’s hand has greatly diminished, and she’s showing...
Nov 9, 2011 | Accident, therapy
11:45am – Sherry met her physical therapist today for evaluation and initial treatments. It was pretty rough going for her, and she was glad to be done and get back to the house. She’s scheduled for two sessions per week for the time being, and for ongoing...
Nov 8, 2011 | Accident, elbow, Gabel
Sherry visited the orthopedic surgeon this morning and had the splint and stitches removed. She has quite an incision. Thank goodness that heavy splint is off, and she only has to contend with the sling for now.Her elbow and shoulder Xrays are looking good, and she...
Nov 5, 2011 | Accident, Methodist, Neurosensory, Soparkar
11:12 pm – They released her from the Methodist Neurosensory Surgical Center at around 9:50pm. After a slow drive home, we’ve got her in her own bed, resting with frozen peas on her face (doctor’s orders). Dr. Soparkar called at 11:00pm to check on...
Nov 4, 2011 | Accident, Methodist, Soparkar, surgery, Taylor
6:55 pm – Both doctors (Dr. Terry Taylor, maxillofacial/oral surgeon, & Dr. Soparkar, eye plastic surgeon) report that things went well; she looks good. She’s sporting a titanium plate in her cheek area, and a new synthetic orbitbal floor. This is...
Nov 4, 2011 | Accident, Alford, Methodist, Soparkar, Taylor
We checked Sherry in at Methodist Neurosensory Surgical Center as ordered at 8:45 this morning. At about 12:30 pm., Dr. Soparkar came to tell us that Dr. Alford had taken ill and could not operate. They put in a call to another ENT who agreed to do the operation, but...