Dodging the Flood

We Dodged a Bullet! Randal Byrd | August 31, 2017 | Storytelling We dodged a bullet! This picture was sent to us at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning (August 27, 2017). It was taken by our across the street neighbors. Our neighborhood became a river and a lake. Not one drop...

Murals at Palmer

Murals at Palmer I just love these two murals by friends of ours from Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church. They are the collaborative works of Jackie Campbell, Kaytee Esser, and Kelly Bourgeois. The murals each are about 20 feet wide. What spectacular work. Thank you,...

Statue Weary

Statue Weary Here’s a thought experiment for you. Do you have any idea what was going on in the south in 1964? Remember the 60s civil rights struggle? Remember the church bombings? Remember the police turning fire hoses on civil rights demonstrators? Then think...

Blessing for Peggy and Steele

Blessing for Peggy and Steele From June of 1996 until July of 1998, we worshiped with the good people at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Conway, Arkansas. After we moved to Houston, I entered into an arrangement by which the weekly sermons would be sent to me....